Amazon Statistics, User Demographics, and Fun Facts in 2020

by Editorial Team Updated
Amazon Statistics

Amazon Company Facts


Founded: 1994

Headquarter: Seattle, WA

CEO: Jeff Bezos

Amazon Employees Stats

Number of employees: 840,000 (Worldwide) 590,000 (US)

Number of robot employees: 200,000

Amazon Users Demographics Statistics

Total users: 6+ Million

Active users: 310+ Million

Primer users: 150+ Million

1 in every 4 adults in US has Amazon Prime.

Amazon Subsidiaries

Amazon own a lot of subsidiaries, but most prominent ones are:

  1. Amazon Web Services
  2. Whole Foods Market
  3. Twitch
  4. Audible
  5. IMDB
  6. Zappos
    1. Market Share Stats

      US e-commerce market share is at 38%. (source)

      Categories with more than 90% market shares:

      • Home Improvement Tools - 93%
      • Skin Care - 91%
      • Batteries - 97%
      • Golf - 92%
      • Kitchen and Dinning - 94%

      Amazon Revenues

      1st quarter: $51.04 Billion

      2nd quarter: $52.89 Billion

      3rd quarter: yet to file

      Nearly 50% of Amazon's revenue comes from third party sellers. (source)

      Amazon Market Valuation

      Current Market Valuation: $1.3 Trillion

      Amazon is the second company to reach Trillion dollar market valuation after Apple.

      Amazon Demographics

      • Female shoppers 51.1%.
      • Blue Collar Shoppers 57.4%.
      • Shoppers with Family 54.7%.
      • Bachelors Degree Shoppers 34.5%.
      • Graduate Degree Shoppers 27.4%.
      • Married 45.9%.
      • Shoopers have incomes greater than $100,000.
      • Home owners 80%.
      • Shoppers tend research products before buying.
      • All shoppers tend to shop elsewhere are over age 45. (source)

      Amazon Fun Facts


      • Amazon was originally named Cadabra as in "Abracadabra."
      • Entire United States can be covered in cardboard by five months of Amazon shipped boxes.
      • If you type in on the browser, it will go to
      • First book ever sold at Amazon was called Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies by Doug Hofstadte.
      • In early days,a literal bell was rung everytime a purchase was made in Amazon.
      • There are 6,000 dogs sharing work space at Amazon.
      • A door became a desk and a symbol of Amazon.
      • Daughter of an Amazonian loves to read, but he found a few books with minority characters. So he ended writing a book.
      • There are a lot of weird products in Amazon such as Star Wars chopsticks, dog selfie tennis ball, Game of Thrones music box, and many more.
      • Apple uses Amazon's 1-Click ordering technology.
      • Mobile shopping was increased because of 1-Click.
      • In early days, programming error could trick Amazon into crediting money to customers credit cards.
      • Company lost $5.7 million when the website was down for 49 minutes.
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